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In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In imperdiet pretium turpis, eu pellentesque nunc aliquet ac. Curabitur aliquet, sem sit amet maximus blandit, justo eros mattis est, in consequat augue orci nec orci.
Creating a code of conduct is a possible first step in the formalisation of copywriting as a profession. It’s a way to begin conversations about good and bad behaviours. A code helps copywriters and anyone hiring a copywriter to have the same expectations of behaviour. A code can also help us navigate the use of AI tools and set boundaries between humans and machines. A code may also help to prevent people from declaring themselves to be copywriters without any experience or training.
The code may evolve into, or form part of, a future accreditation scheme. An accreditation scheme would be a more involved process of examining an individual’s experience, education, knowledge, skills and aptitude, and then ensuring that those skills and capabilities remain up-to-date.
Sign-up to the code
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In imperdiet pretium turpis, eu pellentesque nunc aliquet ac. Curabitur aliquet, sem sit amet maximus blandit, justo eros mattis est, in consequat augue orci nec orci.
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