
5 reasons a copywriter is your website’s secret weapon

Okay, so given that I’m a professional copywriter, I would say this, right? But hear me out…

It literally pains me to see poor copy on a website.

Not everyone is a wordsmith and there’s a reason why I get paid good money to do what I do.

Bad copy can turn off your audience in seconds (no sale/sign up for you!) – good copy will have them hooked (yay to a sale/ sign up for you!)

It’s that simple.

So here are my top five reasons why you should hire a copywriter for your website:

Greater ROI

Not a wordsmith? Save your time (time is money!) and invest in quality copywriting.

You’ve potentially already spent money on the creation of your site, domain name, photography, perhaps even a video and lovely design elements?

But if your copy – the stuff people read to understand your product and business ethos – is riddled with typos, tricky to read or unclear on your benefits, you may as well not have bothered with all of the above.

Copy counts and it will increase your return on investment (ROI).

Explain and sell.

Design and imagery are important but words help you to explain and sell. Words add meaning and value. Words sell.

Less-is-more approach.

When it comes to web copy the less-is-more approach can work wonders! But the less copy you have the harder it needs to work for you. It needs to be punchy, concise and grammatically spot on.

State the obvious.

You’re an expert in your business and know it inside out, but avoid getting trapped in this mindset when it comes to your copy.

Assume all your web visitors are learning about you for the first time.

Your copy needs to be totally clear on your offerings and benefits. It should be compelling and emotive to make your target audience take action.

Be professional.

Your business is professional; you pride yourself on your quality brand and care about your clients.

Scrimping on your copy can totally derail you here. Poor copy will immediately turn off your reader and could lead to a missed sale or conversion. Your copy needs to empower your brand, not degrade it.

Unprofessional copy will insult and annoy your web visitors. Quality copy will leave them wanting more…

When it comes to your brand everything should be consistent – your voice, ethos, messaging and design.

Your words are your super weapon – use them wisely and seek the best.

Get in touch with Krysten to find out how she can inject quality, compelling copy into your site.

Say hello…


14th October 2016

Charlotte Fleming

Absolutely spot on. Why do so many people think that the design and tech elements of a website are the most important?!? Just having a page that loads faster, or a pretty picture, won’t improve sales. It’s the words that do the work.

17th October 2016

David Bain

Excellent, Krysten. Very nicely put.

It pains me as well to see poor copy on websites – especially great looking sites.

I guess it’s part of our job to keep getting the message out there…

Regards, David

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