
Webinars from ProCopywriters – develop copywriting skills in your lunch break

Have you signed for any of our webinars for copywriters yet?

Since we started these sessions at the end of 2018 they’ve grown into a popular way to refresh your skills, pick up new ideas and get inspired.

In 2020 we’ve got loads of new webinars lined up – 18 to be precise.

Some webinars revisit topics we’ve covered before, but we’re also expanding into new specialisms such as:

  • Content strategy
  • Agile methodology
  • Personalisation strategies
  • Pay per click (PPC) advertising

The ProCopywriters book club

If you browse our events page you’ll see a bi-monthly ‘book report’ webinar. This is our virtual book club, which is even better than the real thing because reading is optional! Tim Fidgeon, the professional trainer who delivers most of our webinars, will be reading, digesting and summarising a series of books and taking your questions and comments.

Tim has picked an intriguing selection of books to prompt discussion and exploration. In future we’ll also review some classic copywriting books.

The first book is coincidentally resonant with Harry Kapur’s CopyCon19 talk: Skin in the Game by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

For members only

During 2019 many of our webinars have been open to everyone. But from 1 January 2020, these sessions are only for members of ProCopywriters – and they will be password-protected. You can get the password from your ProCopywriters dashboard (scroll down to the offers section). The password is in addition to the access code that you’ll get by email when you register. So that’s a password, an access code – and you have to be registered too. Confusing, eh?

Watch past webinars

ProCopywriters members can also catch up with past webinars. As of 16 October 2020 we have 15 video recordings available. Check your dashboard for the link (scroll down again).


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Online workshops

Every month we get an expert, an author or a professional trainer to deliver a one-hour presentation on copywriting, marketing or digital media.

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