
The value of investing in yourself and your business

Rebecca Harrison

Rebecca Harrison Online - Direct response copywriter

It can be hard to do when you’re just starting out, especially if money’s tight. And you’re sometimes left, with, more month than money.

Investing in yourself and your business takes a leap of faith. It takes trust.

Trust in yourself, the person who’ll help you, and the person you’ll become.

Even when you can see the results other people are getting, there’s still no guarantee that you’ll do the same.

That you’ll ever make your money back.

But sometimes, you just have to take that leap of faith.

I’ve invested thousands in myself and my business over the last few years

Because I find it always pays off, and I make back more than I invest.

As long as I take the advice and do the work, that is!

Funny that!

As time goes on, the help and training I need change (I guess that shows improvement!).

But as long as I keep my eyes open, the right person always seems to pop up when I need them.

Someone who has been there and done it

Who’s where I want to be next.

Sometimes the advice they give seems a little insignificant.

But I do as I’m told (most of the time) and get on with it.

About a year ago, I was advised to look after myself more to help my business

It didn’t seem to make much sense, as I was already too busy.

But after a bit of mumbling and grumbling, I did as I was told.

I started running, stretching and eating well.

It was hard to start with, and I felt like I was getting nowhere.

But after a few months, I could feel small changes.

My mind was clearer.

I was stronger.

My mood improved hugely.

And a year on has improved my business!

I guess it’s a bit like putting on your own mask in an aeroplane emergency before helping others.

To do your best, you need to be at your best.

It wasn’t a silver bullet, a magic pill or a quick fix.

But, it was probably the best advice I’ve been given, and I’m so glad I listened.

What’s the best advice you’ve been given?

First published on

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