Since 2012

About Us

ProCopywriters is the UK’s largest membership organisation for commercial writers.

Founded and managed by copywriters, we exist to elevate the profession of copywriting, provide learning and development opportunities, and help our members showcase their skills, raise their profiles and find work.

We also run a two-day copywriting conference in Manchester, open to both members and non-members. The conference is the leading event devoted to copywriters in the UK, and it attracts attendees from around the world. The conference has featured high-profile speakers including Dave Trott and Rory Sutherland, and has been supported by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing (IDM) and the Content Marketing Association (CMA).

Membership is open to writers, agencies and organisations

ProCopywriters is a limited company (The Professional Copywriters’ Network) registered in the UK. Company registration number: 07249384. VAT number: 178 8209 65.

Contact us if you have questions about membership or using our website.

Our mission

We’re here to:

  • Bring copywriters together in a friendly community, so we can give each other advice and support
  • Offer learning and development for copywriters through CopyCon and our monthly webinars
  • Build the reputation of copywriting as a profession, and let more people know about the great work we do
  • Help copywriters find high-quality clients and employers
  • Promote professional standards in the copywriting industry
  • Champion fair and realistic pricing for copywriting services, mainly through our annual survey and average rates.
  • Develop professional standards and codes of practice

Who can join?

Membership is open to any commercial writer who serves clients in the UK. We welcome freelancers, employees (for example, those working in agencies), company owners, students and people starting out on their copywriting careers.

We offer memberships for individuals (Basic and Pro) as well as several Corporate membership options.

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Connect with peers, develop your skills and extend your reach on our blog.

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Online workshops

Every month we get an expert, an author or a professional trainer to deliver a one-hour presentation on copywriting, marketing or digital media.

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