Portfolio project
A Temporary Green Blur – my nature blog

link HERE to the blog
Extract from the post “Shakespeare’s scavenger” –
It’s late on a chill winter’s afternoon and I’m standing on a ridge overlooking a typical southern English landscape. Dark clouds scud across the sky, borne on a hurrying north-west wind. The ridge is at a rather modest height, but as dusk draws in the view is still rather panoramic.
Most dominant are the large arable fields bordered by modest, threadbare hedges which sadly bear the unmistakable signs of being heavily clipped. About a hundred yards in front of me is a decent-sized deciduous wood. Other scattered small woods can be seen a few miles distant. Off to the north is a large reservoir, its surface looking choppy and cold. Further afield the ground rises again, giving way to sheep pasture.
I’m watching and waiting for a Red Kite roost.