Portfolio project
Copywriting Training

Feedback from the session was extremely positive, and a follow-up session is in the pipeline for 2018:
“I really enjoyed the training; what I liked most was discussing different advertisements to understand the technique behind the copy. I thought the whole presentation was engaging and the videos used were very informative, especially the concept of showing ‘why’ before ‘how’ and ‘what’ in selling and how they appeal to consumers more.”
“I thought the training was very useful and thought provoking! The interactive activities and the videos were really good. The tasks made you think about how to approach copywriting in terms of target audience, interaction, association between the product and consumer, and creative thinking about how the writing will work with designs.”
“The training was really engaging and felt the examples were pitched at the right audience. It was a relaxed session and knowing the skills of the team, I felt there were lots of tips they will find useful. It was a great refresher for those who already had copywriting skills.”
“Thank you so much for delivering such a tailored and informative session. The team really enjoyed it and have been very positive about the tips they picked up. We look forward to planning a follow-up next year.”