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5 simple ways to promote your company’s green credentials.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental news has gone a little quiet lately – but don’t let that fool you into thinking the problem is no longer important to consumers and marketers.

In fact, with a global recession likely over the coming months and years, it’ll be crucial for businesses to save money by reducing their carbon footprint and implementing sustainable practices.


Because the negative PR of being environmentally insensitive, especially in the difficult times ahead, could put companies out of business.

So, what can you do to promote how serious your business is about green issues?

Simple ways to show you’re serious about saving the planet.

There are lots of things you can do to make your customers aware your company is big on environmental issues and eco-friendly practices.

Here are five you can get cracking with almost immediately:

1. Create an environmental policy.

Having an environmental policy allows you to explain the environmental issues that concern you and what your business is doing to help.

Make sure it’s handed to employers, clients and subcontractors. It’s not just about you doing your bit. It’s about getting those who work with you and for you on the same page.

A company called Inteb can help you if you’re not sure where to start.

2. Get environmental accreditation.

An environmental accreditation is proof you’re a responsible supplier who takes their waste management responsibilities seriously.

One company who can help you is Certified Sustainable.

Not only do they audit the green practices of your business, but they also audit your waste management company too – which means you receive reports on how to improve your green responsibilities and how your waste is being disposed of ethically.

3. Boast about your environmental achievements.

Include your environmental wins in email signatures, on your invoices and in the footer of documents when bidding for new contracts. Send stories to industry and environmental magazines and make sure a press release finds its way into the inbox of local and national newspapers.

Oh, and don’t forget to highlight your key sustainability message clearly on your website, and blog about your wins too – and be honest. Making up stories just won’t fly and you will get found out.

So, make sure you back up your claims with hard evidence.

4. Raise awareness in the local community.

Speak to your local council, environmental groups, businesses, schools and colleges and get them on board. They may have their own environmental concerns that align with yours.

Together your message will be even more impactful.

5. Highlight your green credentials on your packaging.

Recent consumer research across Europe, the UK and the US shows support for carbon labelling on products, including on-pack promotional tabs and multipage labelling.

On-pack sticky labels demonstrate transparency and that you’re proactive in your approach to reducing carbon emissions – a practice backed by The Carbon Trust.

How DBop! Can help promote your green credentials

Okay, maybe we can’t help you with steps one to four, but we can do something about getting your green credentials across with on-pack labelling.

DBop! easy-peel labels are an eye-catching way to get your environmental message across, even if it’s something as simple as: ‘Don’t forget to recycle me’.

Messages like that are powerful and can persuade customers to do the right thing.

On-pack labelling is an easy, fast and cost-effective way to get your green message onto the shelves

and into your customers’ homes without you having to reprint the packaging – and that’s going to reduce your carbon footprint big time!

Ready to show your green credentials with on-pack labelling?

Let’s get the conversation started, call us now on 01284 701381 or email us.


For more of my DBop! articles, check out their website: DBop! Articles


Matthew Drzymala

Indelible Think Copywriting | Brand Copywriter | SEO Copywriting


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