Portfolio project
Email marketing for The Charity for Civil Servants

Sample 1:
Grief is different for everyone. If you’ve experienced loss, it’s important to give yourself time to heal mentally and physically.
You may be experiencing a range of emotions and noticing a negative impact on your body. For example, grief can affect your sleep, appetite and behaviour towards others. It’s important to acknowledge and accept whatever you’re feeling and reach out for help if you need it. You’re part of our lifelong community: we’re here for you and we can help you find your path to recovery.
Sample 2:
The impact of emotional abuse can be just as detrimental as physical abuse. Although we are making great progress in identifying and supporting victims of emotional abuse across the Civil Service, there is still a lot of work to be done.
That’s why we continue to reach out to the most vulnerable within our community. We help people like Joe, whose abusive marriage led to debt, depression and a lack of self-worth…
“I’ve learnt to open up; sometimes you need to talk. If you need help, ask for it. The Charity saved me financially and they saved me mentally. They saved my life.”
We provided Joe with financial and emotional support so he could make a fresh start just before lockdown. To help serving and former civil servants identify this type of abuse, we work with a variety of charitable organisations to support people in our community. If you’re feeling confused or uncertain about whether you’re a victim, our partner organisation, Relate, have put together some useful guidance.