Portfolio project

Fitness Training Programme Mini-Campaign

This B2C mini-marketing campaign was for an online fitness training program called Basketball Yoga Blast, created by the fictitious company FitR, Inc.

This was an assignment for the American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI) training course, the AWAI Method™ for Copywriting.

The assignment brief stated that: “Basketball Yoga Blast was created by a team comprised of famous NBA and WNBA basketball players. You can choose any NBA and WNBA players to use in this promotion, since it’s a fictitious product.”

The campaign introduces Basketball Yoga Blast as an exciting new fitness/weight-loss program that uniquely combines the benefits of basketball drills and yoga moves to help build amazing strength, flexibility, and overall health. 

The campaign consists of five pieces:

  1. Blog Post on the powerful combination of yoga and basketball (1000 words max)
  2. Google Ad for a free guide with tips to improve fitness with yoga and basketball combined
  3. Landing Page for the guide, asking for an email in exchange for a free download
  4. Email thanking the prospect for signing up and then linking to the Basketball Yoga Blast sales page
  5. Sales Page for Basketball Yoga Blast (2 pages worth of text max)

My project impressed the AWAI assessors.

The feedback I received from the AWAI assessors appears after each piece. 


S.Kadir Fitness Training Mini-Campaign


Shaira Kadir


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