Portfolio project

Launch prospectus for The Manual


The Manual conceives and delivers spectacular events.


The Manual is so much more than an events company. It is a creator of big experiences, memorable participations and outstanding content.


But the world has changed.


The Manual recognises that consumers are no longer satisfied with simply attending events; they want to be part of them. Often helping to create and mould them to their own desires, they build an even stronger affinity with the event and the brand.


Consumers talk about events on social media. They promote them to their friends and family. They write brutally honest testimonials, participate in competitions, create their own event-based content and relive the highlights over and over again.


Consumer experiences are the new social currency.


At the same time, businesses can no longer rely on traditional advertising and promotion. They need to create products and experiences that consumers want to participate in and share with like-minded individuals.


This is where The Manual comes in. It creates and delivers outstanding experiences that live way beyond the event itself. Experiences that amplify the brand, reach new target audiences and create lucrative new revenue streams.


Lorraine Forrest-Turner

Lorraine Forrest-Turner


1 Stanley Close

01628 481947
07770 788343

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