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Sales Brochure for Focus Awards Ltd, an Ofqual-Regulated Awarding Body

Pricing Plan Brochure Text – first draft.


Sleep Better at Night – Control Your Costs and Budget for Positive Cashflow

If your business is anything like ours (or most others), cashflow is paramount in today’s tough economic climate.

Financial stability is more uncertain now than it has been for many years as we emerge from perhaps the biggest challenge in living memory. The key to keeping cashflow positive is efficient budgeting

There’s nothing quite so unsettling as a big unbudgeted ‘hit’ during the slow winter or holiday months when income drops, is there? Ruins your day; in extreme cases it can ruin your business…

Identify and calculate your cashflow requirements on a monthly basis and life becomes much easier.

Better still, set up your regular payments and expenses as direct debits or standing orders and you stay ‘in the black’ (or within your agreed facility) with your bankers.

Not only does this simplify your accounting. It also massively reduces stress and positively impacts your mental health.

Not ‘rocket-science’, is it?

It’s no accident that we’re all actively encouraged to budget like this by many big blue chip vendors and enterprises such as utility providers and insurance companies. Indeed, some charge more if we don’t use their monthly direct debit facility.

Why? Because it makes life simpler for both sides – less stress and less reliance on memory for us, less administration and debt chasing costs for them. A ‘win-win’ all round!

Which is precisely why we pioneered our new and exclusive ‘Cashflow Assistance Tool’ to benefit all of our Centres.

Powerful Price Plans for Every Budget – Innovation and Affordability Collide

“Focus gave me the incentive and the freedom to develop my qualifications to suit the ever-changing needs of my target market. My monthly spend with Focus Awards allows me to invest in my business which has seen profits growth and awareness increase. I would recommend Focus Awards to any training provider who has experience and wants to develop their own content, expand their business and cultivate an independent business profile.”

Jayne Nicholls – Group X Training (GXT)

Focus Awards has created a unique market-leading affordability scheme that helps you spread your registration and certification costs over the whole year.

We’re renowned for innovation and forward-thinking. This fantastic Scheme is not available anywhere else; no other Awarding Organisation offers anything like it.

Once you become a Focus Awards Approved Centre, you get immediate access (subject to the usual business credit checks).

Your learners benefit too. You won’t find an easier or more cost-effective way to ensure their successes are recognised nationally.

“We would like to give thanks and recommend Focus Awards as one of the best awarding bodies we have had the pleasure of working alongside. Focus Awards are more than accommodating to support in the provision of quality qualifications, working with training providers to support delivery with resources, smooth operations and hassle-free working practices.”

Ryan Buckle – Ignite Academy and Training

By forecasting your annual needs (don’t worry; we’ll help you), your Price Plan enables you to take advantage of the ‘buying power’ of volume pricing.

Insurance companies, banks, credit card providers and big retailers do this all the time for their clients and customers; why shouldn’t Awarding Organisations do the same for theirs? That’s where we’re coming from…

The Plans give you easy access to our complete range of more than 200 qualifications in 11 different subject areas and sectors, without worrying about cost.

Last year, even during the pandemic, 23% of our Centres switched to our Powerful Price Plans to save money and smooth out their cashflow. The Plans made the difficult times easier; imagine the impact they’ll make on your business now!

No compromise on quality, validity or fitness for purpose – just great pricing!

Our Powerful Price Plans are more than ‘just’ innovative and ground-breaking. You save a substantial amount of money each year and your simple monthly contribution smooths out the ‘peaks and troughs’ of demand.

There’s just no comparison.

But we did one anyway. With [other Leading Awarding Organisations ].[Note – Originally a named competitor, but at client’s insistence, name was removed. Client wanted not to be specific, fearing fallout from them, so we went with alternative ‘generic’ text. Weaker, but more acceptable to client].

Insert graph…

For starters. Our Powerful Price Plans offer certifications as low as £20 each – the lowest available anywhere in the Awarding Organisation marketplace.

[Alternative]? Their lowest price is £33 (excluding Compliance Qualifications), almost 40% more expensive – just for the certificate.

Add in [alternative’s] Centre Approval Fee of £625 (compared with Focus Awards’ of £250, or FREE if you’re on our Gold or Platinum Plan), plus a charge of £100 for use of their VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) on every certificate, and [alternative’s] costs really start to spiral alarmingly.

By contrast, with certification as low as £20, Focus Awards’ Plans start saving you money immediately – right ‘out of the box’.

As an example, if your first certification is a Level 3 Personal Trainer, Focus Awards saves you £114 straight away, even on just one learner. And then, of course, there’s the £625 you’ll save on the Centre Approval/Registration, and FREE or subsidised use of our VLE….

Our Powerful Price Plans “keep on giving” on every certification you use. The more you take, the higher the savings pile up. All yours.

At up to 66% savings across the board and instant E-certificates for every learner, it simply makes commercial sense to take advantage of what we exclusively offer on the Powerful Price Plans.

The contribution on Focus Awards’ Platinum Plan (up to 2000 certificates) is only marginally higher than [alternative’s] cost of 500 certificates; in other words, [alternative] are almost four times more expensive at this level. Eye-watering, as you can clearly see from the chart above…

No ‘volume’ savings there…

You can’t get this level of service or rock bottom pricing anywhere else.

[Insert below business’ logos]

Training Centres such as Origym, PT Academy, Train Fitness and others are already making these huge savings on their certification, and more on sampling and compliance visit fees. Why not join them TODAY?






And there’s even better news for our Gold and Platinum Centres.

World Class Service – Good enough for British Airways, Virgin, American Express and Diners” Club. Now you can have the same…

Introducing the brand new Relationship Management Service,

FREE to all Gold and Platinum Centres

We make no bones about it – we want you to get the very best from us to reflect your VIP status with Focus Awards.

You already know that our Customer Service is legendary; read the testimonials above if you need to remind yourself…

However, Centres that take advantage of the massive savings available on our best-value Gold and Platinum Plans are now automatically plugged in to our Brand New Relationship Management Service].

British Airways and Virgin pamper their First Class and Upper-Class passengers respectively, with huge Air Miles credits and massive in-flight privileges. American Express and Diners’ Club lavish high value goods ‘deals’ at bargain basement prices… Shameless really; perhaps even a little decadent…but we love it!

You already get unbeatable pricing from us, so Focus Awards has ‘front-loaded’ additional tangible benefits for our Gold and Platinum Centres by automatically giving you access to exclusive complimentary membership of our fantastic Relationship Management Service.

Membership of the Relationship Management Service.

This FREE enhancement is not available to anyone outside of the organisation, or to Centres on lower-level Plans. It reflects your status as one of our most influential and valuable VIP Business Partners.

You get your own Relationship Manager to further enrich your experience with us. No more hanging on the phone or waiting for a call-back or email. Whether you need certificates urgently, have a pressing query, or want to discuss a business issue, you’ll have immediate access and swift resolution. Your Relationship Manager is dedicated to you until the query, problem or frustration has been resolved to your complete satisfaction.

FREE Learner ID Verification Card and a professional listing on focusexerciseprofessionals.uk You can offer your learners an additional form of recognition both during and on completion of their studies, through exclusive professional membership of Focus Exercise Professionals, a public register of UK health and fitness professionals that gives members of the public confidence in them. Your learners can apply for student membership, and later upgrade their membership dependent on the level of qualification they achieve.

Platinum Members Only – FREE Access to our Qualification Development Department and Resources. Exclusive advice and assistance with development of a bespoke in-house CPD or specialist qualification of your own, for endorsement under our Focus on Quality Provision (FQP) Scheme.

Platinum Members Only – Development of a Custom Nationally Recognised Qualification. If you’ve always wanted to get one of your specialised qualifications onto the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF) and nationally recognised, this exclusive benefit is priceless.

Why not make Focus Awards your Awarding Organisation of choice – become an Approved Centre – TODAY!



Stephen Thompson

Stephen Thompson Copywriting | B2B Copywriter | Freelance Copywriter | More Leads, More Sales, More Profit. Faster.


1 Stanley House
Manchester Road, Marsden
West Yorkshire

01484 840485
07971 926680

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