Language and grammar

12 Jan 2021
‘They’ is coming – putting gender on the writing agenda
Kirsten Irving takes a look at the issue of gendered pronouns

11 Jan 2021
Why we need to stop using war metaphors to talk about illness
Is using military metaphors helpful when we’re talking about sickness and disease? Louise Shanahan doesn’t think so.

03 Jul 2020
Suggestive biscuits and strangled eggs – reimagined words
Leigh James explores the pleasures of playful language

17 Jun 2020
3 things tech companies should be mindful of when blogging
Alice Hollis’ top 3 no-nos for tech company blogs

26 May 2020
Copy-wise: beware of too many, too few or misplaced commas
Collective Content’s quick guide to how to use commas properly

07 Apr 2020
Grammarly vs. the copywriter — who’ll win?
Are digital writing tools like Grammarly a threat to copywriters? Katherine Wildman thinks not.

02 Oct 2019
Write like you talk. Nuff said
You don’t have to use stuffy, formal language in your content. Matthew Drzymala explains why.

12 Sep 2019
Everything before the but is bollocks
Leigh James shows how using ‘but’ can stop you getting your point across.

28 Aug 2019
Why I hate excessive exclamation marks
Anna Metcalfe waxes lyrical about a punctuation bugbear.

23 Aug 2019
Why writing clear content sometimes means embracing your inner Anglo-Saxon
What’s the Battle of Hastings got to do with effective copywriting? Tom Cross explains.
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