Angelique Hersman

B2B writer and editor 🌿 Sustainable workplace 🌿 HR service providers 🌿 Hospitality 🌿 (Mental) health and wellness Available for work

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💥 HR meets FM & real estate, improving employee satisfaction, growth, retention and productivity.

I write about 🟣(neuro)diversity, 🔵disability, 🟢biophilia, and how 👉 your solution contributes to a 🌿sustainable work environment, 🌿mental health and 🌿employee well-being.

Did you know that:

👀 Between 2019 and 2024, the influence of thought leadership on buying decisions in B2B has grown from 58% to 72%. Reflecting your perspective in your content has evolved from a nice-to-have to an essential.

So, how do we make that happen?

That’s easy. Work with me:

🟡 As an external writer, I bring fresh ideas and insights to the table—things you might take for granted, as you know your product inside out.

🟠 With a background in facilities management and organisational psychology, I keep abreast of trends and developments.

🔴 No need to discard all your existing content; ♻ Recycling is key; this works in content just as well as in any other used product.

🟣 Finally, as a female neurodivergent, I am well-placed to understand DEI and workplace well-being from a worker's perspective.

👀 Curious about my perspective on sustainability, mental health and employee well-being? Connect with me on Linkedin, or even better, check my blog posts at As a bonus, they’ll introduce you to my writing style.

📌 I am excited to learn about your unique challenges and discuss how my writing and copyediting services can help overcome them.

So, let's connect. Reach out to me here on LinkedIn or at

Other skills that might come in handy:

✔ Excellent research skills – university-standard, APA-guidelines
✔ Skilled copyeditor – CIEP membership & training
✔ Knowledge of inbound marketing principles – Hubspot Inbound Marketing and more.

#storytelling #contentwriting #sustainableworkplace #mentalhealth #healthyliving #biophilia



  • Content marketing
  • Content strategy
  • Copy-editing
  • Conversion copywriting
  • Digital and SEO copywriting
  • Product descriptions
  • SaaS copywriting
  • Tone of voice
  • White Papers
  • B2B
  • B2C
  • Charities
  • Education
  • Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Family and childcare
  • Healthcare and pharmaceuticals
  • Lifestyle
  • Property and interiors
  • Sport, travel and leisure
Qualifications & Awards
💥 Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading:
🟡 Getting to grips with grammar & punctuation
🟡 Core copyediting course: Copyediting 1 (ongoing)

💥 Doris & Bertie (Clare Lynch):
🟡 Writing With Confidence: Writing Beginner To Writing Pro
🟡 Freelance Copywriting: How To Succeed As An Elite Copywriter

💥 Hubspot Academy certification courses:
🟡 Inbound Marketing
🟡 Content Marketing
🟡 Social Media Marketing
🟡 Email Marketing

💥 LinkedIn Academy:
🟡 B2B Content Marketing Strategy: SEO Writing
🟡 Marketing Strategy: SEO Content Writing
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