Portfolio project
Convertri – the Knowledgebase

Thanks to Convertri’s team of designers and developers, it’s a tool that’s easy to use right out of the box. But, just in case you’re lost, there’s me – voice of the 150+ tutorial videos and help articles you’ll find at the hub of our online support.
I write and update the help articles, creating a document and writing down notes as I figure out the process. I need to be familiar with the software, of course, including all Pro and Agency level features – but it helps having a great dev team I can ask questions of on the Slack channel.
Once the article is signed off, I create the video and provide the voiceover as I screencast the walkthrough. (There’s usually a few takes – often, my cat makes a noise in the background.)
Then, it’s just a matter of uploading the video and article to our support, and hitting Publish.
It’s not just about Convertri – a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, retargeting pixels, API keys, domain forwarding and CNAME fiddling-with comes in handy, too. (Especially when a third-party service is, ahem, not playing nice.)
And, as we’re adding new features and fixing bugs every single week, it’s part of my job to make sure the help docs are current – which, in the recent UI update this April, meant updating 50+ help docs with new videos and processes to make sure the client’s dashboard matched the tutorial.
It’s all part of the job!