Portfolio project
Crystallised | Creating a Cultural Shift

“Culture is for everyone – no exceptions, no exclusions.
We demand that everyone has the same chance to be a part of culture, however they define it.
We demand that culture as a career is just as possible as culture for pleasure.
We believe that every person has the right to see themselves reflected in our cultural spaces.
If you’re ready to do your part to make that happen, then we’re here for it.
If you’re brave enough to create a cultural shift, then we have the experience to make that a reality.
If you’re bold enough to stand up for what matters, then we will bring the know-how to get your organisation noticed.
If you’re smart enough to know that culture is all of us and for all of us, then we will shout it from the rooftops.
If you’re human enough to know that culture is bigger than an institution, then we will be with you every step of the way.
We are Crystallised.
And we do marketing differently.”