Portfolio project
Cabinet Office

I worked on two counter-fraud projects within the Grants Management Function, known as Spotlight. Downing Street hailed these as ‘star performers’ as part of the government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis. Our team also played a crucial role in preparations for a potential ‘no deal’ Brexit scenario.
Spotlight, government’s online automated due-diligence tool, complements existing pre- and post-award checks and highlights areas of risk to inform grant-making decisions.
Spotlight speeds up initial pre-award checks by processing thousands of applications in minutes replacing manual analysis that, typically, can take at least two hours per application. The tool also provides post-award notifications, generated in real-time, if the applicant’s circumstances should change.
Spotlight saves time, improves decision making and reduces the risk of fraud.
Spotlight is available across all government departments and arms’ length bodies.
Given the sensitive nature of Cabinet Office projects, confidentiality was paramount. Throughout the 15 months I spent at the Cabinet Office, budgets, priorities, and team sizes often change. This is not unusual in such environments. Fortunately, my versatile skill set proved invaluable in navigating these dynamic circumstances.
My responsibilities included rapid prototyping using the GDS prototype toolkit, service design, content design, and content strategy. I also undertook the creation of marketing materials, including videos editing and production, flyers, and exhibition banners, to support the initiatives.
A highlight was when the Grants Management Function hosted a two-day hackathon to foster a spirit of innovation and fresh thinking. Diverse participants, including suppliers, field experts, and Cabinet Office staff, presented their ideas. Former Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary Sir John Manzoni and senior GDS and Downing Street staff served as judges. I presented the pitch on behalf of our project team. This resulted in us being awarded the prestigious Game-changer Trophy.
Throughout my tenure, I thrived in a collaborative, agile environment, working as part of multidisciplinary teams. Even during lockdown, I seamlessly transitioned to remote work from my home in France, ensuring continued productivity and effective contribution.