Portfolio project
Writing copy for the Thrive website

Thrive was created with a single goal in mind – a company where you and your mental health are treated with care and compassion, so you can go one step further than just surviving.
We want all members of society to Thrive, to grow mentally strong, and be able to manage all that life throws at them.
We want to break down the stigma and discrimination which can still sadly be associated with mental ill health. Together we can make a difference and spread a positive message.
What we offer
- Online webinars and workshops focussing on mental health support, stress management, and anxiety reduction.
- The full suite of MHFA England Mental Health training via our Accredited Instructors.
- Full corporate and bespoke training packages and gap analysis for mental health and wellbeing at work.
- Regular open courses and online workshops for individuals seeking to improve their awareness of mental health.
- Sign up to our next course here
What is mental health and why do we need it?
Mental Health is the state of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
It affects how we think, feel, and behave. It is made up from our life experiences, our upbringing, all the various challenges and problems we have faced in life. It’s essentially how we see and cope with the world around us.
Our mental resilience helps determine how we handle stress and anxiety, or how we relate and react to others, and how we make our life choices.
Mental health is crucial at every stage of our lives, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Adolescence in particular is a crucial time. For example, 75% of predisposed mental health conditions are developed under the age of 18.
If you have experienced mental health issues, then your thinking, your mood, and your behaviour will probably have been affected.
Why is maintaining mental strength important to us?
Good mental strength is so important to help deal with all that life throws at you. It allows you to manage your thoughts, and to regulate and control your emotions.
We have anywhere between two and three thousand thoughts per hour – that’s just under a thought per second! On average nearly 95% of those are unconscious thoughts that are repeated daily. But what of the other 5% – how can we make sure they are good thoughts? Can we get mentally strong?
It is surprisingly easy for us to think negatively. Negative thoughts just push their way in don’t they? In fact, this is entirely natural, and is caused by hormones released into the brain, which fuel our “flight or fight” responses to stressful situations. And sometimes we must battle to get our positive thoughts back on top. But with practice, this can be achieved.
Lots of people struggle with “all or nothing thinking”, or dwell on the past, or a particularly negative time. But with skill and time we can start to manage our reactions to these thoughts and learn to think beyond them. Or we can learn to focus again on a single positive thought to get us through the day.
With training, techniques, and a toolkit of experience at your disposal, developing mental strength will happen and you will start to see a positive impact on the way you live your life.