Corporate membership

Thanks for joining ProCopywriters

Hi [wlm_firstname],

Thanks for becoming a Corporate member of ProCopywriters!

Visit your dashboard to get started.

First steps

Edit your profile so that our audience of clients and copywriters can learn about you – and contact you – easily.

You can hide your profile at any time if you do not want enquiries from copywriting clients – or to reduce enquiries from job seekers.

How to use your ProCopywriters membership

Your membership is useful for many reasons, including networking with your peers, developing valuable copywriting skills, advertising jobs and promoting your business.

Learn more about using your ProCopywriters membership

A few quick tips:


Thanks for being part of ProCopywriters

ProCopywriters is run for copywriters, by copywriters.

Much of the work that goes into running ProCopywriters is volunteered, because we all want to push our profession further, and make copywriting a sustainable, challenging and rewarding profession for all.

We hope you find your ProCopywriters membership helpful. If there’s anything else we can do, let us know:

Company registration no: 7249384
VAT registration no: 178 8209 65
The Professional Copywriters’ Network Ltd T/A ProCopywriters
