Hi [wlm_firstname]!
Thanks for becoming a Pro member!
To get started with Pro features, please visit your dashboard.
$subject = “You’ve upgraded to Pro membership at the Professional Copywriters’ Network”;
$txt = ”;
$txt .= “Hi “.$uname.”
$txt .= “Congratulations! You’re now a Pro member of the Professional Copywriters’ Network.
$txt.=”Your username and password stay exactly the same as before. If you lose or forget your password, you can reset it whenever you want – just visit the site and follow the instructions on the login page.
$txt.=”Now you’re a Pro member, you can use your dashboard to manage your online portfolio and access exclusive offers and discounts.
$txt.=”Payment for Pro membership is handled through PayPal, as an annual subscription. You’ll receive a separate email receipt for your initial payment, and all subsequent payments, direct from PayPal. A simplified VAT receipt for your first payment is provided below this email.
$txt.=”When your membership is coming up for renewal, PayPal will send you a reminder shortly before the next year’s payment is due. If you want to cancel your membership, you must do it BEFORE the payment goes out. We cannot refund membership fees once PayPal have taken the payment.
$txt.=”Thanks for your interest in PCN. We hope you find it useful and we wish you all the best in your copywriting career.
$txt.=”Kind regards
$txt.=”Leif Kendall
The Professional Copywriters’ Network
The Professional Copywriters’ Network Ltd
32 Queens Road
BH14 9HF
Company registration no: 7249384
VAT registration no: 178 8209 65
One year’s Pro membership of the Professional Copywriters’ Network: £40.00
VAT: £8.00
Total: £48.00
Date (and tax point):”;
$txt.= date(‘l jS F Y’);
$txt .= “”;
$headers = “MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n”;
$headers .= “Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n”;
$headers .= “From:”.$admin_email. “\r\n” ;