Portfolio project
Brand voice and guidelines for the township of Kimba

A fascinating project for a little town, literally halfway across Australia, called Kimba. Less than 100 years old, the town had grown to a whopping population of 1,000. But they were shrinking. Now down to about 600 townsfolk, it was getting critical. They needed to entice new people in to live a real bit of Australian life.
This brand voice and guidelines project was for SGK’s Sydney office.
The brief, in a nutshell:
– Write the brand’s central manifesto
– Define the key voice principles
– Create samples of market-facing copy to illustrate the Tone of Voice
– Write a big bunch of key messages
– And re-write the full Brand Book.
It’s hard to define. And these days, even harder to find.
But we reckon we’ve got a ton of it:
Real people, bursting with big-hearted community spirit.
Real have-a-go, roll-your-sleeves-up grit and guts.
Real big dreamers and ‘let’s-make-it-happeners’.
Real big skies and endless, open spaces.
Real opportunity and adventure.
Real freedom to be you – whatever you want to be.
So, if you think ‘real’ doesn’t exist anymore,
you just haven’t been to Kimba yet.
Kimba – come feel what’s real