James McCann-Ellerington on how to ditch the excuses and start writing.
TAG » procrastination
How to stop analysis paralysis from getting in the way of your writing
20 September 2019 by James McCann-ElleringtonCategory: Blog, Copywriting lifeTags: procrastination |
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Why can’t you just do it? The truth about procrastination
28 May 2019 by Karen EvennettHow do you overcome procrastination and get things done? Karen Evennett has some advice.
Category: BlogTags: procrastination |
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Easily distracted? Try these simple tips to help you focus
13 February 2019 by Karen EvennettKaren Evennett on ways to make it more likely that you can get in the zone when you want to get stuff done.
Category: Blog, Copywriting lifeTags: getting rid of distractions, procrastination | Comments (1)
Why procrastination isn’t (always) bad
2 July 2018 by EditorIs Andrews explains why using delaying tactics (instead of plonking your backside in your chair and getting on with writing), can sometimes be a positive thing.
Category: Blog, Copywriting lifeTags: creativity, original thinking, procrastination, Productivity, writing |
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