TAG » twitter chat

  1. November #ProCopyChat

    16 October 2018 by Helen Bridal

    Dubbed the ‘godmother of content design’, Sarah Richards (AKA @escmum) will be in the #ProCopyChat hot seat in November. Sarah set and implemented the content strategy for www.gov.uk and introduced […]

  2. #ProCopyChat: How to use social media productively

    8 August 2018 by Helen Bridal

    For this tweetchat, we will be joined by Go With The Pro (@GoWithTheProUK), who offer mentoring, information and support to small businesses, freelancers and entrepreneurs.

  3. #ProCopyChat with Glenn Fisher (All Good Copy)

    by Helen Bridal

    Join us on Twitter to ask your questions and find out Glenn’s tips for writing sparkling copy that sells.
