TAG » editing

  1. How to make your writing flow as smoothly as hot chocolate

    14 May 2024 by Lorraine Forrest-Turner

    Writing needs to flow as smoothly as hot chocolate. Which means you need to do the hard work so your reader doesnโ€™t have to

  2. Getting clear: rewriting v. editing v. proofreading

    7 May 2020 by Patricia Lane

    Rewriting, editing and proofreading. What’s the difference? Patricia Lane explains.

  3. What is editing?

    7 November 2019 by Collective Content

    Collective content’s quick guide to what editing is and what it’s not.

  4. How to cheat your way to error-free content

    22 April 2019 by Sanina Kaur

    Sanina Kaur’s guide to tools to help make sure that there aren’t any embarrassing mistakes in your writing.
