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Hobnob (Friendly Networking)

Wednesday, 27th NovemberTime12:00 pm - 1:00 pm GMT

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Join us for an hour of friendly one-to-one online chats, hosted by David McGuire.
What is it?
A chance to expand your circle of copywriters and get to know people better.
What happens?
Your host, David McGuire, will welcome you to the session and explain how the session works.
  • All participants will be divided into pairs for 7 minutes (or so).
  • You’ll be given some kind of prompt or challenge to help kick-start your conversation.
  • After the allotted time, we’ll reconvene and have a chance to feed back any observations or requests.
  • Rinse and repeat!
What’s the purpose?
The Hobnob is a chance to get better acquainted with your peers. Your new connections might be a source of inspiration, support, opportunities.
What’s the topic?
This month we’re talking copywriting projects. What do you write the most? Are you mostly working writing articles, emails, ads or apps? Have you experienced any changes in demand for different types of copy?

Event Details


Wednesday, 27th November
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm GMT
Event Category:





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