TAG » email newsletters

  1. Newsletter or snooze-letter? Tips to compel clients to open, read & relate

    3 May 2023 by Tessa Parry-Wingfield

    Tessa Parry-Wingfield how to avoid creating a newsletter that bores your customers silly

  2. How to write stonkingly good newsletters

    10 August 2022 by Editor

    Sally Ormond’s ingredients for creating a newsletter people want to read.

  3. Why I turned tracking off on my newsletter

    9 March 2022 by Sally Fox

    Sally Fox shares why she stopped using tracking on her newsletter and what happened afterwards

  4. How to get people to subscribe to your newsletter

    11 August 2021 by Matthew Drzymala

    Matthew Drzymala’s ideas for getting more people to sign up for your mailing list

  5. Email’s not dead – an introduction to email marketing

    13 July 2021 by Lily Karenza

    Is email marketing still worth the effort? Lily Karenza’s a vote for yes

  6. The 3 things I need to know before I’ll even think about signing up to your email list

    18 March 2021 by Dawn Kofie

    Dawn Kofie isn’t convinced that when it comes to getting sign-ups to your email newsletter, being direct is enough on its own.

  7. In defence of tiny email lists

    3 February 2021 by Louise Shanahan

    Louise Shanahan on why there’s nothing wrong with a small, but beautifully formed, email list.
