TAG » grammar

  1. First or third person what works best for business?

    8 June 2021 by Anna Metcalfe

    What’s the best point of view to write your copy from? Anna Metcalfe knows what she prefers

  2. Unworthily

    26 May 2021 by Jo Watson

    Jo Watson reflects on how children who’ve lived through the pandemic will document it

  3. Copy-wise: beware of too many, too few or misplaced commas

    26 May 2020 by Collective Content

    Collective Content’s quick guide to how to use commas properly

  4. Why I hate excessive exclamation marks

    28 August 2019 by Anna Metcalfe

    Anna Metcalfe waxes lyrical about a punctuation bugbear.

  5. The ‘Oxford comma’ needs thought, care, and a sober approach

    28 April 2017 by Editor

    Is the Oxford comma an essential part of clear communication – or an unnecessary appendage cluttering your sentences?

  6. Copywriting for global clients – an untapped market?

    24 January 2017 by Ben Lloyd

    Ben Lloyd’s Hungarian holiday suggests a new market for copywriters.

  7. How to avoid ‘conjunctionitis’

    13 April 2015 by Editor

    Confused by conjunctions? Geraldine Jones sets the record straight on how to use and not abuse them.

  8. Words. Say a lot, don’t they?Words in a book

    26 June 2012 by Editor

    Keep your writing natural, but remember that a ‘crude-oil worker’ and a ‘crude oil worker’ mean very different things.
