TAG » Conference

  1. 35 lessons from #CopyCon20

    16 October 2020 by Alice Hollis

    What Alice Hollis took away from the 2020 copywriting conference

  2. Copywriting Conference returns to London

    21 February 2018 by Editor

    Announcing the return of our one-day event for everyone who works with words.

  3. Direct response copy: why you should go old-schoolA worm's eye view of 4 skyscrapers in Calgary, Canada.

    1 November 2017 by Editor

    Could direct response copywriting help you sharpen your skills? Glenn Fisher thinks so.

  4. Copywriting Conference 2017 – was it any good?Piles of the packs of idea cards given out at Copywriting Conference 2017

    16 October 2017 by Dawn Kofie

    Dawn Kofie gives us her take on Copywriting Conference 2017.

  5. What do you call a group of copywriters?

    19 October 2015 by Editor

    Sharon Edge muses on what the collective noun for a group of copywriters should be.

  6. Come to the 2014 Professional Copywriters’ Network Conference

    10 April 2014 by Tom Albrighton

    An overview of the keynotes and breakouts for our 2014 Conference, on 26 September at Haberdashers’ Hall in London.

  7. PCN Conference 2013: Video highlights

    12 November 2013 by Editor

    Watch highlights from the first PCN Conference.
