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I’m a freelance copywriter based in Nottingham. I’ve been a writer of various stripes for more than 30 years, mostly for BT and its many brands. As senior copywriter and a founding member of BT’s in-house creative marketing agency, I wrote for consumer, business, public sector, and internal audiences across the BT Group, Business, EE, and Consumer brands. Before that, I spent five years as the senior copywriter and site editor for BT Business Digital, where I wrote and edited copy covering the entire digital customer experience from website content to order journeys, billing to marketing emails, with many diversions along the way. I’ve written and edited reports and brochures, marketing and social content, digital and direct marketing, customer comms, film and animation scripts, posters and press ads, blogs and infographics, websites, landing pages, tooltips, and order journey micro-copy. I’ve spent years training people in BT and its agencies on how to apply tones of voice, and how to create clear, accurate, and vibrant copy. And in what historians call ‘the old days’, I spent a few years dabbling as a rock journo in the national music press, following a lengthy stint producing photo love stories in Sheffield for Blue Jeans, Patches, and Jackie magazines. Take a peek at for the full lowdown.
How to hire a copywriter
Hiring a copywriter for the first time can be daunting. We’ve put together this guide to help you hire a copywriter.
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Member spotlight
“In the final year of my biochemistry degree… I realised I enjoyed writing more than lab work.”
“My favourite task is editing and refining the message, because, for me, that’s when the project really starts to come together and take shape.”
“I love seeing my work out in the world. Knowing my work was being seen by some of its 300,000 followers and seeing them engage with it, was a great feeling”
“Fill your time and inspiration board with conferences, podcasts and reading. These will always give you confidence, connections with peers and a glimpse of what thought leadership looks like.”
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