UK Copywriters Directory

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    Let me lighten your load. YOU'RE BUSY AND WRITING COPY TAKES A LOT OF EFFORT Unless you're professional writer yourself, producing content is a distraction from your main responsibilities. CREATING QUALITY COPY IS HARD You might be struggling to put pen to paper. Maybe you can't get the distance you need from your own products or services to write about them clearly and effectively. And as impressive as ChatGPT is, it can't produce fresh content about new ideas in your tone of voice. YOU NEED TO CONTINUALLY UPDATE YOUR CONTENT You need to keep you blog, product pages, case studies and downloadable content continuously updated. Keeping that machine whirring, on top of everything else you do, is no mean feat. And this is where I help. [Contact:] I'm a highly experienced copywriter with over 10 years' experience. I produce clear, readable and high quality content that converts. "Len is one of the most reliable copywriters I've had the pleasure of working with" - Craig Pavitt, SEO Strategist, Re:signal. I have experience working with companies in a wide range of industries, including: - B2B tech - Healthcare - Sport - Engineering - Energy - eCommerce - B2C - And much more Working with me provides plenty of benefits: - SAVE TIME: You can focus on your main job, confident that your marketing copy is being written by a pro - FAST: I'm super efficient, don't get writer's block, and can produce multiple pieces of content per day (all without using AI) - COMPETITIVE: Since I'm very efficient, I'm also affordable - you get more bang for your buck - ACCURACY: Your content will be accurate and reliable, which is more important than ever in an era of AI hallucinations and Google's Helpful Content update - BEST PRACTICE: I know SEO, how to produce content for different stages of the marketing funnel, and how to write in your brand's tone of voice CONTACT ME TODAY ABOUT YOUR PROJECT Here's what my customers say: "Len is a consummate professional who I've had the pleasure of working with over the past several years. Through this time our website traffic has surged from zero to tens-of-thousands per month, based largely on the thoroughly well researched articles with an SEO focus Len has written for us" - Alex Meredith - Marketing Manager - Epsy "Len is one of the most reliable copywriters I've had the pleasure of working with. His attention to detail and understanding of brand tones of voice has helped to create world class commercial and informational content for a number of brands we work with. Len always goes the extra mile by conducting his own research to truly understand a topic, and will always ensure that any work delivered is to the highest standard" - Craig Pavitt - SEO Strategist - Re:signal. "Len has provided support writing B2B content about complex technology and engineering topics for a variety of our clients since 2019. We are very satisfied with the quality of his work. He has the capability to make material which is technical in nature come alive. Also he has some very good ideas. Recommended." - Stéphane Viaud-Murat - CEO - Mi4 "Len has consistently delivered to us interesting and well written articles, since the early stages of our company. Len has a great ability to have a range of topics and requests dropped on him, and from that can produce original content that reads like he’s been in the particular industry for many years. Some of our best performing articles have come from Len. I would recommend very, very highly" - David Hodkinson - CEO - Xace.

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    A versatile and dynamic professional with extensive experience in copywriting, editorial roles, and communications, I bring a rich blend of creativity, strategic planning, and content management expertise to the table. My career encompasses significant achievements in diverse sectors, including non-profit organisations, publishing, and marketing, underscoring my adaptability and proficiency in engaging diverse audiences. With a solid academic background in creative writing and performance, complemented by multilingual capabilities, I excel in crafting compelling narratives, managing content strategies, and executing impactful marketing campaigns. Instrumental in advancing organisational goals through effective communication, I am a proactive team player dedicated to enhancing brand visibility and audience engagement.

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    I use words to prompt action from your customers. My favourite copy is short, sweet and sometimes sweary. I'll boil your message down to its core essence. Like a chef reducing down a jus. Then I'll add in some personality. Like the class joker farting in assembly. I do... 🔹️ ad straplines 🔹 posters 🔹 billboards 🔹 ads projected onto the moon 🔹️ hero copy 🔹 villain copy 🔹️ naming projects 🔹️ core messaging, values 🔹️ ad scripts 🔹️ landing pages 🔹️ socials 🔹 anti-socials A bit about me... I have a beautiful clickedy-clackedy keyboard. I'm not saying it gives me the edge over other copywriters but I'm also not *not* saying that. I have two daughters (who I love more than the keyboard - this list is in no particular order). I believe gherkins/pickles go with any savoury dish. Prove me wrong. For a decade I represented Great Britain in a sport you've probably never heard of. I'm patient, a good team player; completed Grand Theft Auto 5 with my husband without getting divorced. Get in touch for copy with character.

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    Freelance Middleweight | Copy & Content Writing = Art + Science | Compelling | Clear | Captivating | Creative | Converts | Travel + Many Other Topics | I’m Tracy, a Dorset-based Geordie. If you want your copy to tick all the right boxes, I’d love to help. I’ve crafted content for big brands, SEO agencies, charities, small start-ups, professional bloggers, and much more. My clients are based in the UK, the US, Europe, Australia, and beyond. So switching between UK and US English is second nature. As is adopting - and honing - the right tone of voice (TOV) to suit your target audience and brand identity. Variety is the spice of my working life. I’ve written about everything from accountancy, insurance, and money to clothing, food, lifestyle, parenting, travel, and more. Once I'd created multiple 200-word product descriptions for continence pads, I found that nothing really fazed me... I have over five years of professional copywriting experience under my belt, and it all began with my own blog. So I know my way around WordPress and social media. Since then, I’ve written for all sorts of specialist websites, including a ton of travel sites. As well as many other commercial enterprises. In the business, I’m what we call a middleweight copywriter. Experienced enough to mean you’re in safe hands, yet fresh enough to ensure creativity and continuous learning. Here’s what I can do for you - and have already done for many contented clients: Ghostwriting Update old content Draft press releases Publish regular blogs Hone your tone of voice Tell compelling MSN stories Put together engaging emails Give AI writing the human touch Find keywords for SEO purposes Pen product descriptions that pop Upload posts and pages to WordPress Create landing and sales pages that sell Perfect those social media profiles and posts Compose ads, brochures, leaflets, and posters Write awesome long-form, fact-packed, well-researched articles As well as a whole lot more. I’ve even been known to write poetry and a novel in my spare time. My trio of blogs on food, music, and UK travel also see me waxing lyrical about my own interests. What else? A few fun facts about me, perhaps. I’ve been around the world twice, and I have a lifelong obsession with the band INXS and their Australian homeland. I also have lexical-gustatory synaesthesia, which means that words and names have flavours for me. Well, it all makes the working day more interesting… How about you? If you don’t know what stop words are and why they matter, or how to hide keywords for both flow and SEO, then you don’t need to. All you should know is that I can create compelling, clear, captivating copy that also converts. If you find content writing a real chore, I can save you lots of time and stress. Words come naturally to me, which means two things. I love what I do - and I don’t waste any of the time you're paying for when getting on with the task. Interested? Find out more about my rates, what I do, and my portfolio by visiting my website. Click the link below to visit No hidden charges - you’ll find my current hourly rate right there on the homepage. ***Special rates currently available - check website for details!*** Thanks for reading. Now, why not let me write for you? Tracy

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    Sarah Hunt is a freelance senior copywriter and creative strategist based in Newcastle upon Tyne, with thirteen years’ experience writing and managing market-leading content. Copy and Editorial Manager (Head of Copy equivalent) at John Lewis until 2019. What I can help you with: Tone of voice Creative strategy Naming and branding Taglines Marketing campaigns UX copy Digital content Editorial Store communications Mission statements Any number of things in between What I've done: Tone of voice for 13 award-winning brands, charities and organisations Led the copy team at ‘Britain’s favourite brand’ Driven 2 million yearly visits to editorial content Managed 1160 elements of signage for the launch of one of Retail Week’s 4 best department stores in the UK Written campaign content to grow likes +243% and shares +264% on Facebook Guest lecturer at the University of Roehampton D&AD Judge Mentor to two copywriters What I love: Design that makes copy pop and copy that makes design sing. Headlines I’ve never read before. Single-word sentences. Hyphens. Why not get in touch? See my full portfolio at

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    An HR professional turned copywriter, I provide a full range of copywriting services with a specialist focus on B2B, professional services, tech and employee communications. But I also turn my hand to a range of other topics. With almost a decade’s writing experience for some of the world's biggest brands, I deliver effective communications, inside your organisation and out. My approach to business is founded on commercial intelligence, honesty and directness. Plus a commitment to deliver my very best work, every time. Get in touch - / 07703 155 404 Find out more - Want more detail? Keep reading... COPYWRITING Work with me for top notch copy so you can deliver your marketing plans with ease. Whatever the tone of voice, audience or end-goal, you’ll receive high-quality copy that hits the mark and wins business. Hire me for: - Exceptional research and interviewing skills that uncover the valuable insights that fuel thought-leading content - Web copy that works with the design - as a visual thinker I'm good at ensuring the words work well with the SEO strategy and design. - Tone of voice development and style guidance to align your copy with your business, its goals and values. - Commercial insight with a relentless focus on the brief and audience's needs. - Someone who's organised, easy to work with and able to do more than write - like taking and interrogating briefs, dealing directly with clients and managing relationships to ensure the best possible end result. Total Reward Communications I combine copywriting, marketing and reward know-how to craft clear messages that engage employees with your full offering and help you deliver a great return on your reward investment. I offer a complete consultancy and communications delivery service. This includes understanding your goals and your employees' needs, proposing effective comms strategies and delivering them by creating engaging communications. I also provide reward communication training for HR and reward teams to enhance your in-house capabilities. Hire me to: - Support your attraction and engagement strategies with powerful employee communications that leverage the full value of your total reward spend. - Provide valuable insight into best practice reward communications that work with your goals and budget. - Bring new skills to your HR and reward teams and get your comms projects over the line so they drive positive change.

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    I am the operations director at Venturi Marketing Ltd, a dynamic company providing top-tier content and marketing services. With a foundation built on three years of experience running a marketing agency, we have honed our expertise in copywriting, ensuring that every content created is engaging and impactful. We are based in York after establishing the business while studying at the University of York. We are dedicated to a client-centric approach and aim to solidify our reputation in the industry. Our ambition and commitment to quality service underpin our goal to establish ourselves as a trusted name in the marketing sector. Whether it's SEO, PPC, CRO, or email marketing, George's comprehensive experience ensures that Venturi Marketing Ltd delivers exceptional client results. We have competitive pricing rates as well so feel free to contact us if you are interested.

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    Refine your brand's copywriting, PR & comms strategy. I'm an award-winning PR and content specialist for consumer brands. From developing or refining your brand voice and messaging, to creating ad campaigns or email marketing and social media, I help brands tell captivating stories that connect with and activate te their ideal clients and customers. Services: - Brand development & strategy - Tone of Voice Development & Messaging - Copywriting - Advertising - PR Strategy & Support - Media Relations - Digital PR - Social Media - Email Marketing My clients include fashion, beauty, lifestyle, alcohol, travel & luxury automotive brands. Looking for creative storytelling that helps your customers connect with your brand? Drop me an email - and let's connect.

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    Since 2010, I've been helping clients of all sizes exceed expectations; Scaling up and reaching new customers, transforming how they sound to their audience, while challenging and changing minds along the way. I’ve stayed focussed as an INSTAX Fujifilm partner for eight snap-happy years Developed refreshingly simple brand language for Leave Dates Brought Lyons Coffee into the 21st Century Baked-in some seriously sticky Krispy Kreme copy delights Made an excellent impression on IBM (improving reach from 5,000 to over 100,000 impressions) Pulled off SPOKE London’s famous idiosyncratic style across 150 emails Rode alongside Dreamland Margate on the crest of their fun-filled nostalgia wave And gone full ‘blockbuster’ for cinematic design company Blind Ltd’s tone of voice. Today, you’ll find me in the TMCM Dorset office, chewing pens and crafting words for big global brands and local independent businesses. Whether you’re town or country, corporate or start-up, I’d love to see if I can make a difference. Drop me a line today!

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    With an MA in Marketing and 20+ years in branding, I've worked with high street names and growing businesses in culture, retail, tech and non-profit. I'm a very visual wordsmith dedicated to ideas. I work on complete rebrands, brand strategy, brand naming, brand proposition, tag-lines, web copy and content strategy. Big brands – John Lewis, Mothercare, Caffe Nero, Boots, Gordon's Gin Design agencies – Family (and Friends), Carter Wong, Together Design, Johnson Banks, Filthy Media, Conran Design Group Brand naming – Busy B, Good Science Beauty, Kindling, One Garden Brighton, Life Size Culture – St John's Smith Square, Chichester Cinema, One Garden Brighton, Folly Farm Food – Divine Chocolate, Kindling, Culinary Anthropologist B2B – OnePlace, PACEY, NASGP

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    Do you need "brilliant copy" or "excellent content"? Read on to see what my clients say about me and how I can help with original, intelligent and in-depth writing. However big your organisation, I’ll quickly get to grips with your brief, draw together fresh material as needed and produce distinctive copy that stands out. I can help you with thought leadership, articles, blogs, newsletters, emails, press releases, annual reports, sustainability reports, investor communications, web copy, proofreading and copy editing. About me: For many years I was a BBC senior journalist in online and radio, and before that I worked in professional services in executive pay. As a freelancer I’ve written reports and articles for UK and international organisations of all sizes. Client testimonials: Alexandra Dunley, head of marketing and communications at construction company Bouygues UK: "Kate is organised, responsive and ensures she fully understands your brief. She understood our tone of voice and produced some brilliant copy. The team were incredibly pleased with Kate’s work, meaning the project was quick and easy. We will definitely be working with Kate again. "Kate managed to interpret huge amounts of technical information and turn it into digestible text that was enjoyable to read and still showcased the magnitude of the project." Robin Winstanley, Sustainability and External Affairs Manager, Banks Group, regarding a report on the community benefits of Banks’ windfarm developments: "Kate is great to work with – a really excellent listener who quickly understands the key issues which are important to the brief. Importantly she is able to build trust and confidence with the key stakeholders involved which results in good relationships and the delivery of excellent content. "Kate met the goals with speed and to a high standard and was able to add an extra dimension to the content with her experience in relating complex - and often fairly dry - business jargon in a simple and relatable way. "In particular, I feel that Kate did a great job managing the relationships with the key contributors to the report. This is especially important to consider for our projects because the key outcomes for the business within this brief was to influence these relationships in a positive way."

How to hire a copywriter

Hiring a copywriter for the first time can be daunting. We’ve put together this guide to help you hire a copywriter.

Suggested rates

Fair, realistic rates let copywriters do what they do best: capture attention, raise awareness and make sales.

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Looking For A Copywriter?

Member spotlight

James McCann-Ellerington

“Find out what you like writing about and go all-in.”

Hannah Rose

“I am at my best in the morning, so I try to schedule all creative tasks before lunch. If I’m struggling in the morning, I use the classic strategies of changing where I’m working from, taking a break, or exercising in the hope of a Eureka moment.”

Declan Morton, Copywriter.Declan Morton

“I’ve always enjoyed writing but I didn’t set up on my own account until 2019. At that point I had been teaching for nearly two decades and had become frustrated with the academy trust to which my then school belonged. I took a plunge and set up as a freelance writer.”

Jo Watson

“I wish we were all more honest when speaking to newer or younger copywriters and telling them what to expect in their career. It’s a hard job, it’s constantly evolving, and it’s still nowhere near as widely respected (as both an art and a science) as it should be.”

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